March 9, 2010

La Boqueria

La Boqueria Market, located off of Las Ramblas in Barcelona, is a large open market that is “for the people.” The market’s entrance is a tall, metal tent with a large mosaic sign stating, “Sant Josep, La Boqueria.” The long line of produce stands begins immediately upon entering the market. The colorful, ripe fruit is piled high, while the chocolate candies are carved into a variety of shapes and sizes. When you enter the market you are greeted by friendly, third and fourth generation merchants. These people devote their lives to La Boqueria and were raised in its rich atmosphere.

The market began as an open-air travelling market. The market dates all the way back to 1217, but it wasn’t until 1826 that the market was legally recognized. In its early days as a travelling market, merchants would sell products such as meat and straw outside the city walls. At the time, the space inside the city walls was far too small for any type of market.

The market became better known and merchants from other towns tried to sell their products within its walls. The competition was already vicious between local merchants and outside merchants were kept out. However, the merger of two nearby market squares into one formed La Rambla de Sant Josep. Its location became key as Las Ramblas’ popularity grew. Las Ramblas became known as “pedestrian lane” and the market became a place for people to stop and enjoy its presence and/or purchase groceries for their families.

In 1826, the market began being regulated by the general captain of Catalonia. Only a year later, on October 18, 1827, the market on La Rambla de Sant Josep was announced to the public. This market was demolished and relocated in 1840. The first stone was placed on St. Joseph’s Day to build what is now known as La Boqueria. By 1911, the market was extended and gas lighting was installed, the fruit and vegetable stands were moved under the porches, and the fish merchant shop was built. Two years later in 1914 the metal roof was built which creates the grand entrance for the market, a market that is on all Barcelona tourists’ “must see list.”

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