April 21, 2010

The W Hotel

Roommates at Eclipse Bar.

The Eclipse Bar at the W Hotel.

This past weekend my roommates and I went to The W Hotel for drinks. We got all dressed up and lounged at the Eclipse Bar on Saturday. When we walked through the hotel lobby towards the elevators we were greeted by a hostess. We were taken aback. Although we did make a reservation, we were unsure whether or not we were allowed to visit if we were not guests at the hotel. The elevator doors opened and all I saw were the city lights. We continued into the bar and there were modern couches and tables all over the room. The DJ, located next to the bar, was spinning some great beats. The Eclipse Bar was very swanky.

As we sat at our reserved table, sipping on Cava and other fancy drinks, we felt like the women of Sex and the City. It was so beautiful to look out the massive windows and see the city's waterfront. This really added to the fun atmosphere of the bar. The lights were dim, the music was blaring, and people were conversing with others. It was one of the most friendly bars I've been to in Barcelona. Not only were the waitresses/bartenders friendly, but we were approached by a couple sitting at the table next to us and another group standing at the bar. After a little while, we were all buying drinks and taking pictures for and with one another. It was a really fun night and I would definitely go there again. Perhaps it'll be the spot for our final goodbye to the wonderful city of Barcelona!

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