March 24, 2010

Flamenco Show

Female Flamenco dancer.

One of the great things about CEA is that they organize some activities throughout the semester for the students. The planned event that I was looking forward to most was the Flamenco Show. I used to dance and I have always enjoyed the preforming arts so I was really excited to see a real live Flamenco Show, especially in Spain. What a treat! However, the show was on a Tuesday night the week that my parents were visiting. I really wanted to see if they could join because I knew that both my mother and father would really enjoy it too. Fortunately, the show was not sold old and they were able to attend the show as well. This truly made the experience even better because I was able to share it with the both of them.

The show is held in a pretty large venue on Carrer de Balmes. Food and drink are also available at the show. The ticket price depends if you choose dinner and show or drink and show. The shows at Palacio del Flamenco change frequently. The music, created originally for this show, is interpreted live. The improvisation between the musicians and the dancers, makes the show different day to day. The show is made up of original choreography acts including soloist acts. There is approximately a cast of 15 artists on stage for each show.

The show I attended had eight dancers, both male and female; four musicians; and three singers. The dancers were my favorite part of the show. There were four young, female dancers that acted as back up. Then there was a male and a female who preformed solos, duets, and together with the younger females. There was also an older, more experienced male and female dancers that preformed longer, more intense sequences by themselves. The latter two were my favorite dancers. The speed in which the male dancer moved his feet were unbelievable. I was so intrigued by the female dancer. She was dressed in an all white dress with a shawl. She moved her arms and hands so gracefully that every movement she made looked so easy. She, too, moved quickly and used her shawl as a prop. Every sequence she preformed looked effortless. Their expressions were also passionate and strong. I felt connected with the two more experienced dancers the most because of their expressions. I rarely took my eyes off of the two of them.

All of the costumes were fun and flashy for both the males and females. I loved the all white, backless dress on the older females. Even in the audience, I could see every definition of her arms and back. For one of the last numbers, the five female dancers came out dressed in bright, vivid floral dresses that where different in colors and slightly varied in pattern. The dance was up beat and the mixture of all the different colored and floral dresses dancing on stage was beautiful. I really enjoyed my time at Palacio del Flamenco and would definitely attend another show.

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